How to Fix Bald Spots on Suede Shoes

How to Fix Bald Spots on Suede Shoes: A Quick Guide with these 5 effective methods

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How to Fix Bald Spots on Suede Shoes? If you love your suede shoes and want to keep them looking their best, repair any bald spots that appear. It can help to prevent bald spots from spreading and ruining your favorite pair of shoes.

Fortunately, fixing bald spots on suede shoes doesn’t need to be difficult or time-consuming.

So, in this article, I will share a complete step-by-step guide on how to fix bald spots on suede shoes. If you follow these steps properly, fixing bald spots on suede shoes will be easy.

So let’s start!

Step By Step Process How to fix bald spots on suede shoes?

The following are the steps to fix bald spots on suede shoes:

Step 1: Prepping Your Shoes

Before you start, make sure to prepare the surface of your shoes. Clean off dirt and grime with a soft brush or cloth. You can also use a suede and nubuck eraser to remove caked dirt or stains.

Step 2: Adding Colour

Choose a color of shoe dye that matches your shoes as closely as possible. Use either a sponge applicator or an eyedropper to apply the dye only to the bald spots on your shoes. Allow the dye to dry completely before moving on to the next step.

Step 3: Gently Brush It Out

Once the dye has dried, gently brush out the dyed area with a soft brush or cloth until it blends in with the rest of your shoes’ surface. It will help ensure you don’t leave any noticeable marks when fixing bald spots on suede shoes.

Step 4: Reapply Color and Seal It

If you’d like, you can add a sealant to your shoes to help protect them from further damage. Applying a suede protector to the shoe is optional but may help keep your shoes looking new longer.

Once you’ve finished all the steps, your shoes should look as good as new! Make sure to continue caring for your suede shoes so that they stay looking great for years to come.

Other Methods: how to fix bald spots on suede shoes?

Method 1: Leather Filler

If the bald spots are too large to be covered by dye, you may need to use leather filler. It can be applied to the bald spots and sanded down after it has had time to dry.

Method 2: Applying Glue

In some cases, applying glue to the bald spot may help to repair it. Make sure you choose glue designed for use on suede so that it won’t leave any stains or discolorations on your shoes.

Method 3: Professional Cleaning

If all else fails, you may need to take your shoes in for professional cleaning or repairs. A leather specialist should be able to assess the damage and advise you on the best way to fix your shoes.

With this method, you can fix bald spots on suede shoes and make them look new. Just follow the steps carefully and make your shoes look great for longer.

Expert Tips on how to fix bald spots on suede shoes?

The following tips can help you to fix bald spots on suede shoes and make sure that your shoes look their best:

Tip 1: Be Mindful of the Dye

When applying dye to your shoes, make sure that you use a color that matches as closely as possible. It will help you to achieve the best results when fixing bald spots on suede shoes.

Tip 2: Test Before Use

Before using any product on your shoes, such as a sealant or leather filler, always test it on an inconspicuous spot first. It will help you ensure the product won’t damage your suede shoes in any way.

Tip 3: Wear Shoes Properly

It’s important to wear your shoes properly and avoid entering wet areas or other hazardous conditions where they may become damaged. It can help you prevent bald spots from forming in the future and keep your shoes looking great for longer.

Tip 4: Regular Cleaning

One of the best ways to protect your shoes from bald spots is to clean them regularly. It will help you remove dirt and grime, which can cause wear and tear over time. A soft brush or cloth should be enough for most stains and dirt, but a suede eraser is needed for more stubborn areas.

With these tips, you’ll have no problem fixing bald spots on suede shoes! Remember to take care of your shoes and follow the steps carefully; they’ll look great for years.

Precaution how to fix bald spots on suede shoes?

The following precautions should be taken when fixing bald spots on suede shoes:

Precaution 1: Handle with Care

When repairing or cleaning your shoes, always handle them with care. Avoid using too much force when applying products or cleaning, as this can cause further damage to your shoes.

Precaution 2: Read the Instructions

Always read the instructions on any product you use and follow them carefully. It will help ensure that you don’t damage your suede shoes in any way while fixing bald spots.

Precaution 3: Use Quality Products

Always try to get the best quality when purchasing materials for repairing bald spots on suede shoes. Poor-quality products may only last briefly and could damage your shoes even more.

Following these precautions and tips, you can successfully fix bald spots on suede shoes without any issues. Remember to take your time and be careful when working on your shoes, and you’ll achieve the best results!


The right materials and techniques can fix bald spots on suede shoes. Make sure to choose a glue designed for suede use and test any products you use on an inconspicuous spot first.

If all else fails, you may need to take your shoes in for professional cleaning or repairs. Following the tips and precautions above, you can successfully fix bald spots on suede shoes without any issues. With these methods, you can now make your shoes look great again!


How do you fix spot-on suede shoes?

The best way to fix a spot-on suede shoe is by using glue specifically designed for use on the material. You should also test any products you use on an inconspicuous spot first, as some glues and sealants may damage your shoes.

How do you fix peeling faux suede shoes?

The best way to fix peeling faux suede shoes is to use a faux suede sealant designed specifically for the material. You should also test any products you use on an inconspicuous spot first, as some sealants may damage your shoes.

Can you fix a hole in suede shoes?

You can fix a hole in suede shoes with the right materials and techniques. First, you should fill the hole using a leather filler or glue designed specifically for suede use. Once filled, apply a sealant to protect the spot and make your shoes look as good as new!

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